Rights of Mother Earth

About This Collection

EarthSayers.tv is the largest collection of voices speaking on behalf of Mother Earth hence its name. In this special collection we provide an introduction to the many voices advocating the rights of Mother Earth.  A core element of this advocacy is embodied in a document entitled, The Universal Declaration of Rights of Mother Earth Preamble.

The preamble begins "We, the peoples and nations of Earth: considering that we are all part of Mother Earth, an indivisible, living community of interrelated and interdependent beings with a common destiny...

Listen to a reading of the complete preamble here on EarthSayers.tv.  A written copy is available on The Global Alliance for Rights of Nature Website is here


Curated by mokiethecat

The Earth's Lawyer by Garz and Higgins

Our world knows four international crimes: war crimes, genocide, torture and crimes against humanity. Spanish examining magistrate Baltasar Garz and Scottish lawyer Polly Higgins believe that this list of serious violations of international law should be expanded with a fifth: ecocide. Will Higgins and Garz eventually succeed in gaining enough support to get recognition for ecocide, truly putting the large-scale destruction of our ecosystems high on the international political agenda once and for all? Published on Nov 30, 2015 by VPRO Backlight.

EarthSayers Baltasar Garz; Polly Higgins

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