24 Hours of Reality by The Climate Reality Project

About This Collection

The Climate Reality Project: True change

happens when we embrace reality.

Today, we know climate disruption is the biggest challenge humanity has ever faced. And we know carbon pollution is to blame. And at Climate Reality, we also know that solutions are right in front of us. We can create a healthy, sustainable, and prosperous future by making a global shift from dirty fossil fuels to clean, renewable energies like solar and wind. Al Gore spends the majority of his time as chairman of The Climate Reality Project, a non-profit devoted to solving the climate crisis.  Featured in this collection are the series of videos produced as part of the 24 Hours of Reality, 24 hour long videos addressing solutions ranging from renewable energy to worldwide carbon emission reductions.

Curated by mokiethecat

Barriers to Solar Energy Crumbling by 24 Hours of Reality (2)

In hour 2 of 24 Hours of Reality we explore how the price barrier to solar energy is crumbling - in almost 80 countries it now costs the same or less than existing utilities. Published on Sep 16, 2014