Dave Courchene - Nii Gaani Aki Inini (Leading Earth Man)
The Turtle Lodge International Centre for Indigenous Education and Wellness is a sacred lodge of the Anishinabe Peoples, situated in Sagkeeng First Nation on the Southern tip of Lake Winnipeg, Canada.
The Lodge was built in 2002 in fulfillment of a vision received by Elder Dave Courchene. For the First Peoples of America, visions and dreams have always offered guidance in life. Following our visions has helped us remain connected to the Great Spirit and the land. The turtle for the First Peoples is a symbol of truth, and the Elders believe that Dave’s vision of the lodge can bring healing to people and peace to the world.
The Lodge is internationally recognized as a place for sharing universal and ancient knowledge, for reconnecting to the earth and nature, and for sharing among people of all races and nations. It is founded upon spiritual, land-based teachings that bring balance to life, with the fundamental goal of Mino-Pi-Mati-Si-Win – A Good and Peaceful Way of Life. Mino-Pi-Matisi-Win is about seeing, listening, feeling, speaking, and acting from the heart.
Elder Courchene is an international leader who addresses the climate crisis.
Curated by mokiethecat
The Birth of A New Life - A Dream and Teachings Shared by Elder Nii Gaani Aki Inini |
October 19, 2021 The Birth of a New Life EarthSayer Dave Courchene |