Sustainability Pioneers

About This Collection

Sustainability Pioneers is a series of short documentaries visualizing a bridge from our fossil-fuel based economy to an economy based on renewable energy and sustainable living.

The series is produced by Kirsi Jansa, a documentary filmmaker and journalist and the producer of Gas Rush Stories, short documentaries on shale gas exploration.

Sustainability Pioneers is funded by The Heinz Endowments, The Fisher Fund of The Pittsburgh Foundation and The Roy A. Hunt Foundation. It is produced in collaboration with Rachel Carson scholar and energy consultant Patricia DeMarco and The Institute for Green Science at Carnegie Mellon University.

Curated by earthsayer

Sustainability Pioneers 1: The Journey Begins

Sustainability Pioneers, a series of short documentaries on the transition to sustainable energy, begins looking at how energy is being produced in Pennsylvania in 2014. How does our energy use affect air, climate and public health?

Become a Sustainability Pioneers supporter and make a tax-deductible donation at sustainabilitypioneers.com. Published on May 14, 2015

EarthSayers Neil Donahue; Angela Garcia; Fernando Holguin

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