What is Sustainability?

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This is one of the most popular search questions about sustainability on the Web.

There is no one definition although a popular one cited is the Brundtland Commission of the United Nations of March 20, 1987: “sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”  The soul of sustainability is our interconnectedness of Mother Earth and her children through to the next seven generations. 

Curated by mokiethecat

Individual Sustainability by McDearis and Pappas

An important context missing from most discussions of sustainability, especially within academia (or society in general), is individual sustainability. Living a sustainable lifestyle includes creating harmony, interconnection, and relatively high levels of awareness in one's values, thoughts, and behaviors, as well as maintaining an increasing control over one's physical, emotional, social, philosophical, environmental, and intellectual life. The general skills that lead to individual sustainability are awareness, motivation, and the ability to engage in intentional self-development. As well, individual sustainability includes possessing a well-developed and demonstrated value system that acknowledges the interconnectedness of all global biological systems and our appropriate place in the Natural World. ©2013 Published on Oct 5, 2013  Kat McDearis and Eric Pappas produced this presentation. 

EarthSayers Kat McDearis; Eric Pappas

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